Think Family
Think Family means securing better outcomes for adults, children and families by coordinating the support and delivery of services from all organisations.
Neither adults or children exist in isolation and Think Family aims to promote the importance of a whole-family approach.
Contact with any service offers an open door into a system of joined-up support and coordination between adult and children's services. Services working with both adults and children should take into account family circumstances and responsibilities.
Practitioners should work in partnerships with families recognising and promoting resilience and helping them to build their capabilities.
A family focus alone may not be enough to address the problems faced by some parents with a mental health problem nor will it necessarily prevent a child from suffering harm. The adults' problems need to be addressed through specific clinical expertise and services, just as children's problems need to be, or those requiring a whole family approach.
Derby Safeguarding Adults Board has close links with Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (DDSCP) including providing and receiving updates for board meetings and information sharing meetings in relation to overarching work streams.
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website provides a wealth of information in relation to safeguarding children.