Training prospectus and booking
The aim of the Derby Safeguarding Adults Board Learning and Development Prospectus is to provide the building blocks of knowledge which equip and underpin the working practices of all those involved in safeguarding adults who may be in vulnerable circumstances and at risk of abuse or neglect by others due to their situations and have care and support needs.
National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding is everyone's business and by studying together we can make a positive impact on the lives of adults in Derby City. Derby Safeguarding Adults Board has implemented theNational Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults. The aim of the framework is to outline competencies within the workforce in which agencies can work with their staff to evidence that they are competent in Safeguarding Adults.
Each competency within the framework refers to a combination of skills, knowledge and experience expected of individual staff. The Framework is based on the idea that certain staff groups need different levels of competence in Safeguarding Adults. Each agency needs to identify which staff fit into which group but in the meantime we have highlighted the responsibilities of different staff groups which should enable you to see which training would be of most benefit to your role.
Training courses are very much the beginning of becoming competent and the key area is how you take your learning and implement this in practice and then evidence how this has enabled you to become competent in Safeguarding Adults
The Competence Framework looks to highlight how all the training courses link in with the Framework.
Booking training
The online course booking system provides details of all training courses offered by the Derby Safeguarding Adults Board.
Use the links below to view and book on to future training courses offered by Derby Safeguarding Board:
- Safeguarding Course Prospectus
- Safeguarding Adults Training Courses
- Safeguarding Adults e-learning
- Safeguarding Adults Chairing Multi-Agency Meeting Webinar
The training prospectus is not fully accessible. If you need it in an accessible format, please contact